Defined Use Cases, Target metrics and Needs

June 2023

The description of the requirements & needs is part of the work to be undertaken prior to the developments of technologies & concepts, and the execution of the demonstrations within the ZEFES project. Two activities are part of this project phase.

  • Define the metrics for the use cases demonstrating HD ZEV in real time logistics missions.
  • Define the use case menu card representing the VECTO long haul mission profile on main EU corridors.

The outcome of these activities are guidelines, metrics and KPIs for the use case demonstrations across Europe and the assessment & impact analyses of the developed technologies and concepts compared to ICE-based HDV against the logistics needs & requirements.

In line with the VECTO long haul mission profile, the following topics regarding the main commodities and logistics missions, are addressed for the ZEFES project:

  1. the main logistics missions for ZE-HDV along European corridors in a multi modal context,
  2. the requirements on infrastructure regarding e-charging and hydrogen fuel supply, parking and resting,
  3. the requirements on services to ensure a smooth operation of the use case demonstrations, and
  4. the requirement on data being gathered during demonstration.

The main result of this report is the Use Case “menu card”, see graphic below, representing the VECTO long haul mission profile on main EU corridors:

Based on the use case menu card, the charging (CCS/MCS) and refuelling (HRS) infrastructure along the use case corridors is defined and a task force is set up to have the locations operational on time.

The use case menu card has still a preliminary status as too many circumstances, caused by internal and external events / dependencies, will occur during the coming period up to Q2 2025, the start of the real time demonstrations. The coming 12 months detailing of activities will happen. A full detailed plan of all demonstrations by month 24 will be the guideline for the execution of all demonstrations and the start of the evaluation and assessment of the incoming data collected during the demonstration. 

Click here to read the full report.

Project progress

© 2023 ZEFES

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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