Ford Otomotiv Sanayi Anonim Sirketi
Organisation Introduction
Ford Otosan (Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.Ş.), is a publicly traded (18%) company, where Ford Motor Company (41%) and Koç Holding A.Ş. (41%) have equal shares. Ford Otosan, being one of the top 3 exporting companies in Turkey since 2004, has achieved 11 consecutive years of automotive industry championship and is Turkiye’s export champion for 7 years in a row. Ford Otosan operates in 4 main centers in Turkey with its Gölcük & Yeniköy Plants, Eskişehir Plant, Sancaktepe R&D Center, Spare Parts Warehouse and Craiova Plant in Romania employs more than 20,000 people. Ford Otosan is the most valuable automotive company in Borsa İstanbul.
Ford Otosan has the biggest R&D center of the Turkish automotive industry, with over 1,500 engineers developing advanced technologies for global competition. Ford Otosan priority R&D areas cover but not limited to the areas; autonomous mobile robots, autonomous truck, connectivity, electrification (inc. battery and testing), fuel economy, emission reduction, lightweight, future manufacturing technologies.
As part of the ongoing research and product development activities for Ford Motor Company and Ford Otosan, several projects in different scales are carried out on engine and powertrain systems, interior and exterior body, chassis systems, and electrical and electronic systems of the vehicles. Following the technological transformation in the automotive industry, advanced R&D studies are carried out on a wide array of topics including reduction of CO2 emissions, connected vehicles, autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, and electrification as well as light vehicle technologies.
Being partner of ZEFES project perfectly fits Ford Otosan’s zero emission vehicle development plan and provides great chance with early demonstration in Europe. Ford Otosan has already had experience in development of BEV Trucks and with ZEFES this will be carried to next step: FCEV. Real world demonstration will unveil unknown user experience with FCEV, and it is important to strengthen market readiness in advance.
What in ZEFES?
Ford Otosan will develop a FCEV long-haul tractor with a modular fuel cell system. In line with the modular fuel cell system architecture, battery size will be optimized with analytical development. Optimum hybridization of fuel cell and battery usage considering efficiencies to maximize the CoO and extend fuel cell life with various analytical iterations and control algorithm development will be the core of application development. Thermal energy management will be studied to minimize component thermal load and proper cooling on system. Developed and homologated vehicle will be used in real-world demonstration in 3 use cases in Turkey, Italy, and Austria.

“The ZEFES project help us to walk our zero emission vehicle targets with renewable sources. It also supports us gain experience using new technology to see obstacles in early design & development phase to bring benefits for automotive industry transformation.”